Best Girl Bedroom Design Ideas 2022

Best Girl Bedroom Design Ideas 2022Best Girl Bedroom Design Ideas 2022

Mothers who are decorating for their daughters often ask me, "What are the best bedroom colors for girls?" Talk about a question whose answer could run on into infinity! I usually laugh and ask my potential client how much time they have because we could talk all day about what stylish or fashionable bedding sets the trends that celebrities have been reported to use in decorating their bedrooms.

Whether these are the best colors for girls of all ages is up for discussion and how those colors are presented as far as theme and decor is a topic for another article. For instance, pink and brown bedding sets for toddler and tween girls is so different from that in a teenage girl's bedroom that you would have to pay close attention to notice any similarities whatsoever!


Here's a tip for choosing the best color for girls bedrooms; ask the young lady what her favorite color might be. How difficult is that? Here are some suggestions for how to start building a list of decorating ideas for girl's bedrooms.

Have a little chat with the girl who will be occupying the space to see what her preference might be. The younger the girl, the less information you will get from this conversation but it is still worth a try.

Organize a profile of the girl's personality, activities and likes and dislikes. Does she love horses, sports or a particular rock star or television personality? Perhaps the décor of her room could be based on something she loves and color could be a secondary goal.

Take a look in her closet to see if a color combination stands out. Chances are that if she likes certain colors in her clothes that she may appreciate the same in her surroundings.


By now you probably have figured out that the best bedroom colors for girls bedrooms and bedding sets are ones that your tween or teen (or even your toddler if she's opinionated at an early age) girl picks for herself. A little decorative guidance from mom and a professional decorator never hurts but the more you can encourage her to participate in the bedroom decorating ideas and design process the happier the both of you will be with the end result.

Once you have chosen the best girls bedroom color palette, return to Best Girls Bedroom Decorating Ideas and Designs to see if there is a theme that you might use to further personalize your tween's or teen's room.

